Wednesday, March 11

too milkmaid

now this is "TOO MILKMAID" but i love it anyhow (and i think if a friend describes my outfit/hair accessory as too milkmaid again - im gonna go with it).

last night i watched "surfwise" a documentary jojo heard/found out about - and it was really pretty good. makes me feel indulgent when a family of 11 can survive on less than i do in a week - they were pretty radical though. it is thought provoking and entertaining so check it out!


Carla said...

Rent "Babettes Feast" it is a french foreign film. The milkmaid reminded me of film. It is based in Sweden at the time end of Napoleans reign in France. A french peasant woman and her son flee France and are taken in by a scandinavian family to cook and clean. She prepares their food to their liking and one day after winning the lottery, she prepares a huge pick it up from there when you rent it.

Dustin Ortiz said...

That surfwise movie is heavy.
Rad, but kinda crazy. Some serious stuff went down in that camper

shagorgenson said...

mom, i remember being made to suffer through that movie as a child. but yeah ill rent it (im back on net flix!) and you're right ill probably like it.